One time a week or so ago in the car….
Noelle: Mom, what does Sereni mean?
Serenitea (local milk tea store). I’m not sure if I was able to explain to her what serenity means because she amused me so much. :)
Last week, while I was getting her dressed…
Gianna: Mickey cwack-ouse!
Me: Mickey what?! (Was thinking Mickey has a crack house????) Oh Mickey Mouse Clubhouse?
Gianna: Yes!
Mickey and crack? They don’t mix!
Last month, after their musical theater class…
Noelle: Mom, we’re going to get minus in our grade.
Danae: (was talking at the same moment) Teacher’s going to give us the music for our play.
She seriously thought Minus one was a minus in her grade.
Sometimes Gianna taps her own butt or a doll’s or one of ours and says BOOTEH!
Something she learned from her sisters. Haha. :)